Sunday 11 March 2012

Six Things - Michelle King

Michelle King was born in Bishop's Stortford and has lived in this area for most of her life. With husband David, she has two lovely children, both teenagers who are the light of her life.

She has been a musician as long as she can remember and has studied extensively. She enjoys spending precious time with family and friends, songwriting, cooking, reading, dancing, singing and playing the oboe. Two years ago as a result of a dream she discovered she could write songs and in December 2011, won the SaintFM Christmas songwriting competition with her song It's Christmastime. She has written a number of other songs which she sells to raise money for charities close to her heart - see her website The Music of Michelle King.

Alongside writing songs Michelle teaches music at the Christian School Takeley, helps lead a youth group, speaks for Mission Aviation Fellowship and is a director in her husband's company.

"If I recorded parts of my life in a book, you may think them unbelievable."

One thing that's always worth getting out of bed for
Following my first songwriting dream, I have been known to receive other song ideas that I have to get out of bed for, to write down before I forget them. Sometimes a tune will come into my head at night if I can’t sleep, and I can’t get back to sleep until I know they have been written down. My family have at times heard me practicing chord progressions on the guitar in the dead of night (they are very understanding and patient people!), but I would never play the oboe at night because it’s not known as the quietest instrument ever invented!

One thing about yourself that often obstructs you
It would have to be my own self-doubt as I can sometimes try and close doors that have been opened for me. Every time I have attempted to do this though the door opens wide again and opportunities come my way, so I continue on my path. A friend said to me that when it’s time for a door to close it will close. I think they are right and I should have more faith in what is happening right now in my life, and to pray for guidance and understanding every step of the way.

One thing I've learned the hard way
My toughest lessons have been in love. I’ve learned the hard way that to really love, one has to be prepared to let go and allow freedom. Love isn’t possession, it doesn’t own. It gives without expecting back and it never ends.

One thing that gets under my skin
I would have to say that it is laziness. Those who are not prepared to contribute or even worse, expect people to do their work for them.

One thing I'd love to change
About myself: It would be to become less of a perfectionist at times, in terms of being way too hard on myself. High expectations etc.

About the world: I would like to see even more of a global desire to end poverty, so that no one has to go without the basic necessities of life. No child for instance should have to suffer war, injustice, disease and malnutrition. The world’s problems are simply not of their making. Many people are trying to make a difference, and on a world-wide scale that’s not easy.

One thing I hope for
My personal hope is that I continue to allow doors to stay open, to believe in myself, and remain doing everything for Him and to His glory.

Six Things is a series of micro-interviews with interesting and creative people
in which they’re asked to respond to a standard set of six prompts.

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